It is all going on in August

The Isle of Wight has been an array of festivals, regattas and carnivals, keeping the tourist and locals busy.

However, although the Isle of Wight is well known for its Tourism, the manufacturing industry based on the Island covers many fields with various areas of expertise with international recognition.   Here at Ceramic Substrates we pride ourselves on supporting the local  economy and protecting our environment, at the same time  proving to be a leader in Precision Engineered and Industrial Ceramics worldwide.

Ceramic Substrates always have Health and Safety  and the Environment at the forefront throughout the Factory and this month was no exception.

Veolia Environmental Services have been and collected our water based cutting fluid and ceramic waste, removing two full IBC tanks and leaving two empty containers.

Wight Materials Handling were on site to carry out our Forklift Service/maintenance.   We have several certified forklift operatives within the Team who have all undertaken their training with Wight Material Handling.

On our Quality side, Gareth from Mitutoyo spent a couple of days with us carrying out the annual service and calibration of our CMM.  Here at Ceramic Substrates  we know how important it is to maintain the highest level of accuracy for our CMM machine and having it regularly serviced, UKAS calibrated will enable accuracy to be maintained.

CMM Calibration

Customers requesting visits took our Managing Director Andy up to Leicestershire and then to South Wales, although he was mainly motorway driving he still managed to see some scenic views on his journey and most importantly assisting and advising our customers with their projects.

Sharon had a couple of days in the office keeping Karen our Auditor supplied with Tea.  Karen from Bright Brown Accountancy, visits us every year to carry out her checks for our end of year accounts.

With everything that has been going on in August, we of course have been doing what we do best and that is manufacturing precision engineered ceramic components.  Our CNC Engineers have been machining an array of Macor Machinable Glass Ceramic Components, we have just had to call off our next batch of Macor Maxi Slabs for delivery to our works.  We pride ourselves on being a certified Corning Macor Machinable Glass Ceramic Distributor and we have our own dedicated website all about Macor,

For more information on our Products and Service, please take a look at our websites and or alternatively give us a call to discuss your application/requirements + 44 (0) 1983 528697.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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© 2025 Ceramic Substrates and Components Ltd
Lukely Works, Carisbrooke Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom, PO30 1DH
Tel: +44 (0)1983 528697 - Email:
Company Registration No.934853